Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY





From 13.01.2017 to 11.02.2017


12:25 Task #3806: "mlýneček" sounds like "mlýmeček"
Formant-based synthetic samples (they sound OK) and lists of selected units added. Jůzová Markéta
11:51 Task #4147: "objednala" sounds like "objednal"
Correction: Voice Jan for ScreenReaders Jůzová Markéta


22:56 Task #3807 (Closed): [á] sounds like [a] in "Ahoj, jak se máš?"
Will be further explored with respect to the continuity of formant and F0 frequencies. Matoušek Jindřich
22:52 Task #3806 (Assigned): "mlýneček" sounds like "mlýmeček"
Add formant-based join-cost-generated synthetic sample so that it could be compared to the original version. Matoušek Jindřich


10:10 Task #3880: "válel" sounds like "válil"
Similar problems are perceived also in other voices. Matoušek Jindřich


23:02 Task #4160 (Closed): Discrete positional parameters
_Parent task for imposing discrete positional parameters_. More details on [[Positional_features|experiments descript... Matoušek Jindřich
22:58 Task #4159 (New): Revision of continuous positional parameters
Revise the calculation of continuous positional parameters Matoušek Jindřich


10:37 Task #3941 (Closed): Create synthesis logs for corpora with altered prosodic words
Matoušek Jindřich
10:36 Task #4006 (Closed): Experiments on prosodic words: Synthesis of selected sentences
Matoušek Jindřich
10:33 Task #4155 (Closed): Prosodic word parsing
_Parent task for experiments with parsing of prosodic words_ Matoušek Jindřich


08:56 Task #4154 (Closed): Hybrid HMM / unit selection approach
_Parent task for hybrid HMM / unit selection approach._
_Works related to this topic will be inputted as subtasks ...
Matoušek Jindřich
08:53 Task #4153 (Closed): Hybrid neural network / unit selection approach
_Parent task for hybrid neural network / unit selection approach._
_Works related to this topic will be inputted a...
Matoušek Jindřich
08:46 Task #4152 (Closed): Vocoder
_Parent task for proposing/modifying/testing vocoders_
_Works related to this topic will be inputted as subtasks o...
Matoušek Jindřich
08:41 Task #4151 (Closed): Neural network based statistical parametric speech synthesis
_Parent task for using neural network in statistical parametric speech synthesis._
_Works related to this topic wi...
Matoušek Jindřich
08:29 Task #4150 (Closed): Statistical parametric speech synthesis (SPS)
_Parent task for speech signal generation/modification by SPS_ Matoušek Jindřich


17:26 Task #4133 (Closed): Prepare preference (A/B) listening test
Matoušek Jindřich
12:20 Task #4133 (Resolved): Prepare preference (A/B) listening test
Test ready and published on Tihelka Dan


21:07 Task #3671 (Closed): RA1c - Phonetic description of artifacts
Matoušek Jindřich
21:06 Task #3670 (Closed): RA1b - Technical description of artifacts
Matoušek Jindřich
21:05 Task #4103 (Closed): Dílčí zpráva 2016
Matoušek Jindřich
21:05 Task #4108 (Closed): Vložit přílohy do aplikace GRIS - FF UK
Matoušek Jindřich
21:05 Task #4109 (Closed): Vložit přílohy do aplikace GRIS - ZČU
Matoušek Jindřich
21:04 Task #4106 (Closed): Vyplnit finance za FF UK
Matoušek Jindřich
21:04 Task #4107 (Closed): Vyplnit finance za ZČU
Matoušek Jindřich
12:40 Task #4146 (Closed): Prepare test stimuli for listening test
Matoušek Jindřich
12:40 Task #4132 (Closed): Synthesize the selected utterances by TTS system with/without the annotation errors
Matoušek Jindřich


21:06 Task #3996 (Closed): Data collection and pre-processing
Matoušek Jindřich

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