Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY




30 days up to




From 09.11.2016 to 08.12.2016


13:47 Task #4095: Synthetize sentences with new features
All data for creating a new image for voice Radka Maskova should be now available. The MLF file was created, correcte... Matura Martin


23:08 Task #3844 (Resolved): Analyze utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme
The results of the last set of analyses mostly follow the previous findings, and they are provided in the attached do... Skarnitzl Radek
16:48 Task #3807 (Resolved): [á] sounds like [a] in "Ahoj, jak se máš?"
Discontinuity of formant trajectories, it responds to a diftong [ae] instead of [a:].
We will try to find more sampl...
Bořil Tomáš


07:21 Task #3855 (Postponed): More data for artefacts collection
Grůber Martin


12:54 Task #4095 (Assigned): Synthetize sentences with new features
Pitch-mark files were generated for all waves except for 0073-07.wav (because of unknown error).
Please create a MLF...
Matura Martin


18:07 Task #4095 (Feedback): Synthetize sentences with new features
To create the image file, I will need pitch-mark files corresponding to the waves (i.e. 406 @*.pm@ files). Ask Markét... Tihelka Dan


14:38 Task #4095: Synthetize sentences with new features
A new image for voice Radka Maskova is needed. Waves for its creation can be found in artic/Projects/EMA/MR/data/spc_... Matura Martin
14:30 Task #4095 (Closed): Synthetize sentences with new features
Use articulation data as new features in process of creating speech by unit selection. Matura Martin
14:24 Task #3997: Data segmentation
Segmentation of a part of the recordings was done. We are now able to get corresponding EMA data to speech waveforms ... Matura Martin
08:58 Task #4006 (Resolved): Experiments on prosodic words: Synthesis of selected sentences
Files were generated and stored to Experiments/pros_words/out_${spkr}_${ver} directories, as before (see #3941...
Tihelka Dan


13:54 Task #4006 (Assigned): Experiments on prosodic words: Synthesis of selected sentences
Please synthesize newly selected sentences listed in attached files. Hanzlíček Zdeněk
13:43 Task #3995 (Closed): Data recording
Matoušek Jindřich


14:39 Task #4006 (Resolved): Experiments on prosodic words: Synthesis of selected sentences
For the record: the fixed logs were regenerated for all experiments. Tihelka Dan

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