Project management of NTIS P1 Cybernetic Systems and Department of Cybernetics | WiKKY





From 17.02.2016 to 17.03.2016


12:05 Task #3796: Add more info about alternative candidates
Is it possible to show word boundaries (to differentiate between word internal and cross-word diphones) in a similar ... Matoušek Jindřich


16:21 Task #3813 (Closed): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH2016 (D)
*Title:* Voting Detector: A Combination of Anomaly Detectors to Reveal Annotation Errors in TTS Corpora
Matoušek Jindřich
15:52 Task #3684 (Closed): Redmine issues
Matoušek Jindřich
15:39 Task #3811 (New): Experiment with statistical outlier detection and removal
Matoušek Jindřich
15:36 Task #3810 (Closed): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
*Title:* Correction of prosodic phrases in large speech corpora
*Result type:* D
(Abstract to be sent by March ...
Matoušek Jindřich
15:21 Task #3809 (Closed): Submit a paper for INTERSPEECH 2016
Matoušek Jindřich
15:20 Task #3808: Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
Abstract sent. Matoušek Jindřich
15:19 Task #3808 (Assigned): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
Matoušek Jindřich
15:14 Task #3808 (Closed): Submit a paper for TSD2016 (D)
*Title:* On the Influence of the Number of Anomalous and Normal Examples in Anomaly-Based Annotation Errors Detection... Matoušek Jindřich
15:10 Task #3796: Add more info about alternative candidates
concatCost targetCost nextConcatCost
leftCntx - rghtCntx
begWeight | midWeight | endWeight
Vít Jakub
14:30 Task #3796 (Feedback): Add more info about alternative candidates
please write here what do the numbers mean. I guess that the 4th number stands for a prosodeme but what abou...
Matoušek Jindřich
14:02 Task #3796 (Resolved): Add more info about alternative candidates
more info added
word the unit came from - that would require some work; so for now this information is no...
Vít Jakub
09:04 Task #3796 (Closed): Add more info about alternative candidates
When listing the alternative candidates, only three numbers (btw. what do the numbers mean?) and source utterance are... Matoušek Jindřich
15:08 Task #3757 (Closed): Simultaneous training of single detectors within a voting detector framework
Matoušek Jindřich
15:07 Defect #3767 (Closed): Cannot jump to source units for some voices
Matoušek Jindřich
14:54 Task #3807 (Closed): [á] sounds like [a] in "Ahoj, jak se máš?"
*Voice:* Jan
*Description:* @[á]@ sounds like @[a]@ in _Ahoj, jak se m<notextile></notextile>*á*<notextile></notex...
Matoušek Jindřich
14:47 Task #3806 (Closed): "mlýneček" sounds like "mlýmeček"
*Voice:* Jan, Iva (maybe more)
*Description:* Word _mlýneček_ sounds like _mlý<notextile></notextile>*m*<notextile...
Matoušek Jindřich
13:22 Task #3780 (Resolved): Testing placement and fixing of senzors
*The third experiment*
This time I glued all seven sensors. Firstly, I placed those on tongue (TD->TB->TT), then on ...
Matura Martin
11:36 Task #3797 (New): Artifact catalogue
_(Parent task for cataloguing of artifacts)_ Matoušek Jindřich


23:36 Defect #3767 (Resolved): Cannot jump to source units for some voices
done, all voices were imported
Moreover, the editor was enhanced with new features
Vít Jakub


14:40 Task #3780: Testing placement and fixing of senzors
*The first experiment*
I tested three senzors attached to a tongue, namely to tongue tip (TT), tongue body (TB) and ...
Matura Martin
13:43 Task #3780 (Closed): Testing placement and fixing of senzors
Matura Martin
13:38 Task #3697 (Assigned): Electromagnetic articulography (EMA) based research
Matura Martin
13:31 Task #3763 (Assigned): Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations
Matura Martin


22:31 Defect #3768 (Closed): Alternative candidates are not available
Matoušek Jindřich


14:42 Task #3773 (Closed): Submit a paper to journal Measurement Science Review
*Title:* GMM-based Speaker Age and Gender Classification in Czech and Slovak
The paper describes an ...
Matoušek Jindřich
14:39 Task #3772 (Closed): Submit a paper for TSP 2016
*Title:* Comparison of one and two-level architecture of the GMM-based speaker age classifier
Paper submitted, wai...
Matoušek Jindřich
14:36 Task #3734 (Closed): Evaluate analysis of unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř"
Matoušek Jindřich
14:23 Task #3734 (Resolved): Evaluate analysis of unexpected results of listening test on voiced/unvoiced "ř"
Analysis shown that the unexpected behavior occurred mostly due to the use of other units which were chosen to minimi... Tihelka Dan
13:52 Task #3771 (Closed): Create a paper for TSD 2016
Create a paper for TSD 2016 describing experiments with the evaluation of TTS by GMM-based speaker gender and age cla... Matoušek Jindřich
13:49 Task #3770 (Closed): Experiment with gender and age classification for synthetic speech error predictions and evaluation
_Parent task for research in the field of alternative approaches to synthetic speech evaluation (with the aim to repl... Matoušek Jindřich
11:43 Defect #3768 (Resolved): Alternative candidates are not available
Fixed Vít Jakub


21:41 Task #3746 (Closed): Enable to mark artefacts in WebProkus
Matoušek Jindřich
21:40 Defect #3768 (Closed): Alternative candidates are not available
Alternative candidates are not available - the panel to show the candidates opens but the message "probíhá výpočet" i... Matoušek Jindřich
21:35 Defect #3767 (Closed): Cannot jump to source units for some voices
For some voices in WebProkus (e.g. voice Iva or Katerina but probably also for other ones), source units (or whole ut... Matoušek Jindřich
16:22 Task #3761 (Resolved): Create script for conversion ASF to SNT
Script for this task is placed in SVN repository @ARTIC_UTILS/trunk/hmm_synth/LabLight/
Created SNTs are...
Hanzlíček Zdeněk


17:07 Task #3763 (Closed): Synthesize utterances with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations
Synthesize utterances from #3747, #3748, #3749, #3750, #3751 with phonetically incorrect phoneme realizations. Matoušek Jindřich
15:07 Task #3751 (Closed): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch"
Matoušek Jindřich
15:04 Task #3750 (Closed): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř"
Matoušek Jindřich
15:04 Task #3749 (Closed): List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N"
Matoušek Jindřich
15:03 Task #3748 (Closed): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l"
Matoušek Jindřich
15:02 Task #3747 (Closed): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r"
Matoušek Jindřich
12:26 Task #3754 (Closed): WebProkus feature request: Export TextGrid
Bořil Tomáš
01:04 Task #3754 (Resolved): WebProkus feature request: Export TextGrid
fixed Vít Jakub
09:52 Task #3761 (Closed): Create script for conversion ASF to SNT
* Create script for conversion ASF to SNT.
* Create new SNT files from extended ASFs (#3709) and compare default and...
Hanzlíček Zdeněk


21:10 Task #3750 (Resolved): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř"
Please synthesize the following phrases with the conflicting voicing information in Ř.
hořící keř
zuřivá bouřka
Skarnitzl Radek
21:01 Task #3751 (Resolved): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch"
Please synthesize the following sentences with the voicing status of the velar fricative ([x] vs. [ɣ]) in conflict.
Skarnitzl Radek
20:59 Task #3749 (Resolved): List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N"
Please synthesize the following phrases in which the place of articulation of the nasal - alveolar vs. velar - will b... Skarnitzl Radek
20:54 Task #3748 (Resolved): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l"
Please synthesize the following phrases in which the syllabicity of L will be in conflict with reality.
Kripl vypl...
Skarnitzl Radek
20:52 Task #3747 (Resolved): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r"
Please synthesize the following phrases in which the syllabicity of R will be in conflict with reality.
Kapr to na...
Skarnitzl Radek
18:59 Task #3754 (Feedback): WebProkus feature request: Export TextGrid
Bug: improper format. Labels have to be in double quotes, e.g.
Bořil Tomáš
14:14 Task #3754 (Resolved): WebProkus feature request: Export TextGrid
Done, please try it
(it is in the "File" menu)
Vít Jakub
17:45 Task #3746 (Resolved): Enable to mark artefacts in WebProkus
You can mark artefact in prokus (m key). You can set score (-1 bad, +1 good) and comment.
You can view st...
Vít Jakub
14:14 Task #3753 (Closed): Add "Kateřina" voice to WebProkus
Vít Jakub
14:14 Task #3753 (Resolved): Add "Kateřina" voice to WebProkus
Done. Vít Jakub
10:00 Task #3699 (Resolved): Compute features (MFCC, LPC, LPCenv and FFTpow)
Distances computed. Starting to experiment with one-class-classifier. Tihelka Dan


17:16 Task #3757 (Closed): Simultaneous training of single detectors within a voting detector framework
Revise voting detector paradigm - train single detectors simultaneously within a single development framework. Matoušek Jindřich
17:14 Task #3752 (Closed): Influence of train/test splits on detection accuracy
Matoušek Jindřich


18:43 Task #3751 (Assigned): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch"
Skarnitzl Radek
13:10 Task #3751 (Closed): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch"
Send us a list of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ch".
Include both phenomena in the list, e.g.:
_abych byl...
Matoušek Jindřich
18:43 Task #3750 (Assigned): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř"
Skarnitzl Radek
13:07 Task #3750 (Closed): List of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř"
Send us a list of words containing voiced / unvoiced "ř".
Include both phenomena in the list, e.g.:
Matoušek Jindřich
18:42 Task #3749 (Assigned): List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N"
Skarnitzl Radek
13:05 Task #3749 (Closed): List of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N"
Send us a list of words containing alveolar "n"/ velar "N".
Include both phenomena in the list, e.g.:
Matoušek Jindřich
18:42 Task #3748 (Assigned): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l"
Skarnitzl Radek
13:01 Task #3748 (Closed): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l"
Send us a list of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "l".
Include both phenomena in the list, e.g.:
Matoušek Jindřich
18:42 Task #3747 (Assigned): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r"
Skarnitzl Radek
12:58 Task #3747 (Closed): List of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r"
Send us a list of words containing syllabic / non-syllabic "r".
Include both phenomena in the list, e.g.:
Matoušek Jindřich
14:14 Task #3754 (Closed): WebProkus feature request: Export TextGrid
Generated TextGrid in Praat Short-text format should contain boundaries and labels of diphones.
A sample Matlab sc...
Bořil Tomáš
13:59 Task #3753 (Closed): Add "Kateřina" voice to WebProkus
Add "Kateřina" voice to WebProkus. Bořil Tomáš
13:14 Task #3752 (Closed): Influence of train/test splits on detection accuracy
Make multiple train/tests splits and evaluate results. Matoušek Jindřich
12:27 Task #3746 (Closed): Enable to mark artefacts in WebProkus
Typical usage:
# Use WebProkus to synthesize a sentence
# Mark segment(s) in which an artefact occurs - i.e. two ne...
Matoušek Jindřich

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